Monday, January 18, 2016



Jordan River Temple
December 2015
Of interest about this temple - they had an escalator.
Oquirrh Mountain Temple - February 2016
Of interest:  they handed out cards with your session.  When the cards were gone then the session was full and anyone coming after that would go to the next session.  They had us return the cards as we entered the endowment room.

After the temple, we went down the street to a shopping center for lunch.  We ate at the Himalyan Kitchen.  It was a great buffet.  The above dessert - Gulab Jamon - was excellent.  It tasted sort of like a donut, but it was soft in the middle like custard.

Provo City Center Temple Open House - February 2016


Good Samaritan - A young girl's car was stuck in the snow outside our apartment.  She tried everything, going forward, backward, trying to clear snow from under her tires, but to no avail.  She looked like she was going to cry.  Just then a man came across the street from the church with a shovel.  After much effort, he was able to get her unstuck and on her way.  He then proceeded to clean off all the other cars that were parked in front of our apartment and clear a path so they wouldn't be stuck.  We don't know who is was but JoAnn called out a big "Atta Boy" to him from our deck.