On November 2, 2015, we entered the MTC. We were told it was the largest group of Seniors going to the Family and Church History Mission. There were around 120 seniors, with 48 (there were actually 54, but not all were at the MTC) going to our mission. There were couples and sisters.

3rd from left Elder and Sister Walker; middle sister Sister Tuguchi from Japan going to Family History; 4th from right Elder and Sister Collings; 2nd from right us.

3rd from the left Elder and Sister Bee; 4th from the right Elder and Sister Bennett; 5th from the right Elder and Sister Petersen; middle 3 sisters from right Sister Blalock, Sister Strange, Sister Grooms; 4th from right Brother and Sister Briggs, 1st from the right Brother and Sister Huffaker

1st from right Elder and Sister Eager; 3rd from the right Elder and Sister Roethe from Las Vegas;

3rd from left Elder and Sister Curtis; 5th from left Elder and Sister Crookston; 6th sister from the left Sister Harold, then Sister Zoebell; 4th from the right Elder and Sister Schurtz; 2nd from right Elder and Sister Morrison

5th from left Elder and Sister Beck; In the very middle Sister Knight and Sister Hunter. 1st on right Elder and Sister Enderle; 5th from right Elder and Sister Maier
Many of the seniors going to other missions were going to missions that were rather unique. Brother and Sister Morrison (part of our District) were called to Uzbekistan on a Humanitarian Mission. They would be the first missionaries in that country. Sister Knight and Sister Hunter (also in our District) were going to the Czech Republic to do Records Preservation.
We spent an amazing week being taught from Preach My Gospel (just like the younger missionaries). Our mission is a non-proselyting mission, so this seemed strange at first, but it turned out to be a truly spiritual experience (also a little intimidating). We had to do a lot of role playing, teaching each other and those in our District (8 missionaries - 2 instructors, Sister Patino and Elder Staheli).
Elder and Sister Morrison, Elder and Sister Miller, Sister Patino, Sister and Elder Collings, Sister Knight, Sister Hunter |
Elder Staheli, Elder and Sister Collings, Elder and Sister Morrison, Elder and Sister Miller, Sister Knight, Sister Hunter |
Two times we had to teach missionary lessons to volunteers from the Provo area who acted as investigators. Only sometimes they were real investigators and we never knew who was who. They told us of a sister in Provo who wanted to learn about the gospel, but only spoke Chinese. The young missionaries that were going to Chinese-speaking countries taught her as they were learning the lessons - this was the only way that she could be taught the Gospel in her own language. She was eventually baptized.
One of the most spiritual was when we had to visit with another couple, who were pretending to be less actives. We had to listen to their stories, get them to tell us about them and their reasons for inactivity. Then we had 30 minutes to prepare a lesson to give to them, tailored to their story. The Spirit was so strong - even though we knew it was just pretend. When we finished the couple we taught told us that the couple they were pretending to be were actually them in an earlier life. It was funny but JoAnn lay awake at night trying to find ways to help them, although obviously they already had been helped.
President Taylor was the MTC Mission President.
We lived in married student housing - Wyview Park..
The apartments were very comfortable. There was a bedroom, bath,
living room
and kitchen.
We never used the kitchen, as they fed the missionaries in the MTC Cafeteria and the food was tasty and the quantities were huge - enough to feed young growing missionaries, but maybe too much for us seniors. They asked us in one class what was a goal for our stay at the MTC. JoAnn said "Not to gain more than 5 pounds." It got a laugh, but she wasn't kidding.
This is the traditional picture nearly every missionary took - pointing to where on the map that they would be serving. Of course, we were pointing to Salt Lake City - sort of.
These are the three couples in the MTC that were from Las Vegas, Nevada
Elder and Sister Miller, Sister and Brother Mackey, and Elder and Sister Roethe.
We all served in the Las Vegas Nevada Temple before coming on our mission.
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